Project Minnesota/Leon needs your help and expertise! 

Consider volunteering your time and talents in the following areas: 

  • Events - We host two main events each year and we need volunteers! Help with the fall Fiesta (our main dinner and fundraiser) or a more casual spring or summer event where we invite speakers to share their expertise with us. Help us plan, bake, organize the silent auction, volunteer the day of the event.

  • Communications - We need help with writing and publishing our quarterly newsletter, social media, and other communications.

  • IT/Technical Support - We would especially appreciate someone with a technical background or experience to help publish our newsletter on Constant Contact, help with online platforms for ticket sales for our events

  • PML Board - We are looking for new board members!

Join the Board!

Board responsibilities include:

  • Terms: Board members serve for a 4-year term, with a maximum of 8 consecutive years 

    Officers: Elected positions are President, Secretary, and Treasurer

    Attendance: Board meeting is held once a month. To retain their position, board members must attend nine meetings per year, and may not miss three consecutive meetings  


    • Focus on providing strategic leadership and ensuring financial well-being of PML

    • Work an average of 4-6 hours/month on PML related responsibilities in addition to board and committee meetings

    • Review and respond promptly to PML correspondence

    • Volunteer to help at PML events, especially Fall Fiesta fundraiser and spring/summer educational fundraiser

    • Support PML financially, as able

    • Write occasional articles or reflections to be used in the website, newsletter, and the promotion of special events

    • Promote PML's work in the wider community through participation in activities and sharing advice

    If you have questions or would like more information about our volunteer opportunities, fill out the form below or contact PML Board President, Ralph Baumgartner at